Sunday 4 December 2011

Life in the fast lane...

UPDATE 08/12/11
Premiere have said they spoke to the driver etc, etc but one thing that really made me laugh was their justification for failing to stop. They said "Sorry. Drivers are not used to picking up from there." From where? Bus stops? There is a timetable there, with route numbers on the bus stop flag, so why are they unable to stop there?!!

At least, thats where most of Premiere Travel's buses seem to spend their life. Several times now when passing Bramcote Baths bus stop (heading out of Nottingham) on the Local17 the bus has been in the outside lane. Normally I remember this and walk one stop towards Nottingham to board the bus, but yesterday I didn't have time so I was forced to use Bramcote Baths. I arrived before the departure time and sure enough, a few minutes later I saw the bus, heading past in the outside lane. I waved desperately at the driver, but he was unable to stop, hence this post. I then had to get four buses instead of two, and go to a different Tesco than first planned.

This is a basic customer service issue, and while I normally remember to walk along one stop, I should be able to get on at my local bus stop. The service is advertised as stopping there, with bus stop flags and timetables so there is no excuse really.

I complained on Premiere's Facebook page, but so far have recieved only a cursory confirmation. More news to follow soon...

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